Mentions in the media


Unique emerald set

90th auction day of KODL Gallery

On 26 November 2023 (Žofín - Slovanský dům) we were part of something extraordinary. For the first time in history, a rare green jewel was auctioned! The Colombian emerald represents not only high aesthetic value, but also guaranteed financial growth.

ČT – Sama Doma 11th October 2023 (54th minute)

It was an honour to accept the invitation of Czech Television to talk about the "green mystery" on the show Home Alone. Special guest RNDr. Juraj Liška, investor, owner of Greenshine Mystery.
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Eight million worth of emerald jewelry. Exceptional green stones offered directly by the miner, say jewellers

Dozens of sweaty people in rubber boots and caps are digging under the hot...
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Conference TRADING EXPO and alternative investments

Do you know how to invest your money in gems with proven value to protect your capital? Discover the world of precious stones, including how to buy the world's rarest emerald.
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Conference TRADING EXPO & alternative investments

A traditional popular investment commodity is precious stones. RNDr. Juraj Liška, investor, owner of Greenshine Mystery, will explain how to buy an investment emerald, why to have one and how not to get burned.
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About the Green Mystery with Juraj Liška

Mr. Juraj Liška comes from Trenčín, but then he graduated from Charles University, after which he stayed in Prague and never returned to Slovakia. He worked there as a high school teacher and later as a long-time director of the state-run Gymnasium ... Article:
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Juraj Liška traded disciplined education for adventure and the emerald trade

Until a few years ago, he ran the country's most important secondary educational institutions. Then he embarked on the precarious path of a gem dealer ... Article:
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Why have an emerald

Investment Advantage The price of emeralds is not subject to financial speculation. The price of emeralds is increasing at a dizzying rate every year. The price of quality emeralds is a real reflection of supply and demand - demand is rising, supply is falling. Money loses ...
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The Secret of the Green Gem

We live in a uniform age of global sameness, where people are crying out for uniqueness and paying for originality. This desire translates into all areas of their lives and marketers can break to offer it ...
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Green Adventure

It is forbidden for the average Colombian to visit the mines or to reach their owners. The emerald boss is almost seen as a Hollywood star - he is the ruler of the underworld, a rich man, a mafioso, a man who flies ...
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Chasing the emerald

We descend a narrow path between huts covered with metal and head down the steep slope to the entrance to the mountain. The recent rains have washed all the rubbish out of the village...
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Chasing emeralds

When you sit across from a young man whose forehead is crisscrossed by a large scar, it's hard to believe that the emerald business is free of all violence. Especially when the meeting takes place at the same time that a men's magazine...
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Colombian Triad

The Colombian Triad is an extraordinary book about an extraordinary country full of contrasts. The topics it deals with are appealing at first sight. But even more appealing is their unique treatment.