Greenshine Mystery
Greenshine Mystery
Over 24 years of experience selling Colombian emeralds directly from Muzo mines.

Your heritage passed down from generation to generation can be an emerald.

Colombian emerald
One of the engines of human action. Without passion, so many worthwhile things could never come into being. Passionate people can live their time to the fullest. The emerald is the symbol of passion. Whoever wants to express his passion for another, gives him an emerald.
Unique people love originality. It is a symbol of their philosophy of life. If it is to be embodied in jewellery, then there is no better option than the emerald. Every stone is an original. Variations in their colour, inclusion content, brightness and clarity mean that no two emeralds in the world are identical. Each stone holds a piece of our country's history. And each depicts it a little differently. Emeralds are worn by confident people.
It is a value that has endured for centuries. Quality emeralds are in short supply. The earth only produces a tiny fraction of them. What do people crave most? For what is scarce or unavailable to them. The emerald is not just a common gemstone. It's a symbol. A symbol of courage, passion and originality. It defines personality. Who knows, knows.
For more than 24 years we have been providing you with emeralds from the unique Muzo region.
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emerald set

90th auction day of KODL Gallery

ČT – Sama Doma 11th October 2023 (54th minute)

Eight million worth of emerald jewelry. Exceptional green stones offered directly by the miner, say jewellers